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Below you can find the Kenshi Reverse-API request body schema.
entry Object The parsed log entry received from the blockchain
entry._id String String ID of this record in the Kenshi database cluster
entry.log Object Information about the event log
entry.log.index String Hex representation of the log index
entry.transaction Object Information about the transaction
entry.transaction.index String Hex representation of the transaction index
entry.transaction.hash String Hex representation of the transaction hash
entry.block Object Information about the block
entry.block.address String Hex representation of the contract address emitting the event
entry.block.hash String Hex representation of the block hash
entry.block.number Number The block number
entry.event Object Information about the emitted event String Name of the emitted event
entry.event.signature String Signature of the emitted event
entry.event.args Object Parsed arguments for the emitted event
entry.event.args.$ String Hex value of an argument where $ is the argument name
entry.createdAt String ISO string of the date when this record was created in the Kenshi database cluster
taskId String The "taskId" associated with your event listener task
blockchain String Name of the chain, possible values are: "ethereum-mainnet", "ethereum-goerli", "arbitrum-mainnet", "arbitrum-goerli", "avalanche-mainnet", "avalanche-fuji", "binance-mainnet", "binance-testnet", "polygon-mainnet", "polygon-mumbai", "fantom-mainnet", "fantom-testnet", "aurora-mainnet", "aurora-testnet", "bitgert-mainnet", "bitgert-testnet"
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